Saturday, June 28, 2008

Andi's Art Show at BlueSky

Pictures from the show

Enthusiasm, joy, balance, enjoyment, beauty. I am not a writer but these are some of the words that pop into my head when I think about Andi's show at BlueSky last night. We kept our expectations conservative since it was our first show, and to say the least the way it turned out was a pleasant surprise. That pleasant feeling just radiated through the show and everyone felt it, like the feeling of amazement one feels when watching a flower bloom. We look forward to more. Thanks to everyone who came and participated! Special thanks to Josh Brown for the music, BlueSky for the hour d'oeuvres and space, and my set builder, without whom I could not have done it at all. The picture is myself, Andi and Sue, owner of Art Lovers in Carbondale.

The weather went from hot, sunny and breezy to stormy thundering skies to downpour, replete with a rainbow like a little shiny bow to tie up the package.

A lot of the families from our schoolhouse/daycare came out for the show so there were lots of kids around raising the general level of energy in the room. Here they're outside by the pond looking at a frog.


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